We speak large language.

Dealing with large language models (LLMs) is not just our interest, it’s our passion. We specialize in transforming these remarkable generative AI technologies into valuable assets for our clients.

Our headquarters are in Saarland, Germany, and we have additional locations in Hamburg and the scenic depths of Bavaria.

Software Solutions

Leverage the potentials of AI. We help you to combine your ideas with the current technologies and possibilities. We are your innovative co-worker! 

Innovation Support

You need things done? Our team of experiences software developers helps to come your dreams true, with individial solutions based on our extensive experience.

Secure Large Language models and Semantic databases for Companies' Knowledge management

Using Large Language Models (LLMs) increases productivity a lot, without any doubt. But using that technologie with confindent informations or companies inside informations is at least “risky”.  

We build a secure SaaS-environment with self controlled open source language models in an integrated RAG-architicture, with clear focus on secure usage of LLM-technology as main part of companies knowledge management.   

It's the Momentum.

Embracing Large Language Models (LLMs) now positions companies at the forefront of technological innovation. LLMs offer unparalleled efficiencies in data processing, natural language understanding, and content creation, revolutionizing customer interactions and decision-making processes. Early adoption ensures a competitive edge, as LLMs can analyze trends, optimize operations, and personalize customer experiences with remarkable accuracy. Investing in LLMs today is not just about staying current; it’s about future-proofing your business in an increasingly data-driven world.


What Makes Us Different

Esteemed Research Affiliations

Collaborations with top-tier research institutes including DFKI, Max-Planck, and Helmholtz (CISPA).

Industry Veterans

Decades of experience in both project and product realms, bolstered by our certified and award-winning software solutions.

Expert-Driven Outcomes

Specializing in areas of our expertise, ensuring no experimental phases for our clients.

Security focused

Security and data privacy always is a main part of our approaches and recommended archtictures.  


In the fast-changing world of AI, staying open and independent is a key focus for us.


We utilize our core technology for rapid creation of digital assets, ensuring speed and efficiency in our processes

Our Partner and Friends

Data Security is half of the game

We know to provide Data Security in SaaS

Security is more than a feature—it’s a promise. As data becomes a precious asset, we rise to the challenge of protecting privacy at every step of the technology chain. Whether we’re hosting advanced language models or crafting cutting-edge data protection strategies, we’re dedicated to keeping your information safe. With us, your data isn’t just secure; it’s treated with the utmost care because your trust is our top priority.

Ideas of lifting your potentials?

Schedule an Appointment with one of your Management Partners - to leverage the potentials of your company!

CISPA - Helmholz-Center for Information Security gGmbH

contexxt.ai is a startup supported by CISPA - Helmholz-Center for Information Security gGmbH