60 days free to get you and your company a truly Private AI.
Connect with our team and get into a 60-day free Pilot Program with your company.
Pick the best suitable time slot for you and one of our team members will join you for a demo.
Right after the demo your app is ready to use! Now, we will guide you every day (for a week) how effectively use the AI at work and get back those precious hours.
During the Pilot Program we will be grateful for all comments about the app. Thanks to that we can iterate and create the best Private AI experience.
Sesame research is part of CISPA — top-tier, high-impact academic research institute leading the way in AI security and post-quantum cryptography.
One of Sesame’s key strengths is its multilayered security architecture. Our team leverages world-class LLM models that operate entirely off the grid, ensuring your sensitive files remain out of reach from public model scrutiny.
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